A bedpan is used for elimination when a person is unable to get out of bed at all .A woman who cannot get out of bed uses a bedpan to urinate,and for bowel movements. A man who cannot get out of bed uses a bedpan for bowel movements, and a urinal to urinate Bedpans, while sometimes necessary,must be used with extreme care. It is very easy to bruise or tear the fragile skin of an elderly or disabled person. Arthritis can make using a bedpan very painful, as can fractures of the back or legs. If a person has an injury or disability that makes it too uncomfortable or dangerous to use a regular bedpan, a special bedpan called a fracture pan is used.The fracture pan, which is wedge shaped, is placed underneath the person’s buttocks with the thin edge toward the person’s back

(A) A standard bedpan. Position a standard bedpan like a regular toilet seat—the buttocks are placed on the wide, rounded shelf, with the open end pointed toward the foot of the bed.(A) A standard bedpan. Position a standard bedpan like a regular toilet seat—the buttocks are placed on the wide, rounded shelf,with the open end pointed toward the foot of the bed.

(B) A fracture pan. Position a fracture pan with the thin edge toward the head of the bed.(B) A fracture pan. Position a fracture pan with the thin edge toward the head of the bed.

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